Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Math Games

During math this past week, we have been playing a lot of math games. These math games help to promote the math skills that were taught that day. It is a fun and engaging way for the students to practice their math skills. Today the children were playing Penny Plate Math. It was a game that worked on adding and subtracting skills. The kids did a wonderful job playing the game the correct way!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Extended Weekend

Please be aware that there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 5th in celebration of Labor Day. In addition, students will have NO SCHOOL on , Tuesday, September 6th as all certified staff members will be participating in meetings during Building Articulation Day. Students please enjoy your time off, and I will see you on Wednesday, September 7th.

Bully Prevention

Gombert and all schools in District 204 are implementing a Bully Prevention Program called Stop-Walk-Talk. The goal of Stop-Walk-Talk is to “give students the tools to reduce bullying behavior through the blending of school-wide positive behavior support, explicit instruction, and a redefinition of the bullying construct.”

This week in Second Grade, your child will be learning some valuable steps in confronting bullies they may encounter at school. When students observe another student not following one of the 4 Be’s of Gombert – Be Respectful, Be Resposible, Be Ready, and Be Safe – they will initiate the Stop-Walk-Talk method.

The method is simple and easy to execute. Students first let their bully know that they would like them to stop their behavior by giving a firm “Stop Sign” with their hand raised up in the air, palm out. If the bullying continues, the student is encouraged to walk away or remove themselves from the situation. The final step, Talk, is used only when the behavior continues beyond the stop and walk. If the student finds that Stop and Walk have not helped them to remove themselves from a bullying situation, they are encouraged to find the nearest adult, teacher, or supervisor to inform them of the situation.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


On Thursday the kids learned the IPICK song. Students were introduced to the IPICK strategy on Monday, and we have been reviewing it daily. On Thursday students viewed a video of a second grade class performing the IPICK rap. Initially, there were a couple of students who were hesitant to join in; however, I told them if I could do it, they definitely could do it too. They were so excited to perform the rap and learn the movements. We will continue to review this very important strategy in order to help students choose good-fit books throughout the year. Once, we have it down I will video tape them and uploaded to the blog.....look for that this upcoming week!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Team Names

The kiddos in 2B are sitting in groups. Their desks have about five or six people in their teams. Instead of Mrs. Bretz giving them their team names, they got to work together and come up with their own team name. They had about twenty minutes to choose a team name and decorate a poster to put above their group of desks.......................check it out!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Movie Night

On Friday, August 26th at 7:30 the Gombert PTA is sponsoring a Movie Night. They are going to be showing "The Incredibles" and will be providing popcorn. You will need to bring your own drinks, chairs, and bug spray!

Gator Folder

Everyone received a Gator Folder today. The students are to bring this home every night and bring it back to school EVERYDAY! This folder will hold any important notes, school work, and homework. It is important to keep it in a safe spot at home, so the kids can have it for school. Make sure you look through the folder tonight. There are a lot of important papers in them!

First Day of School

The first day of school went wonderful! We were very busy sorting our supplies in the morning and coming up with 2B's rules! In the afternoon we went to music and LMC. Mrs. Smith let us check out two books from the library. We also played a math game, MINGO, and went over expectations for the hallway! Please remember to bring a water bottle and dress light because it gets really warm in the classroom. I am excited and impressed with this group of second graders! I look forward to a fun-filled school year!!!!