Thursday, February 21, 2013

Donuts with Dads

Gombert PTA invites students to come share some morning donuts with their dads. (Grandpas, uncles or other family members are welcome to attend if dad cannot)

Jump Rope for Heart

Gombert's Annual Jump Rope for Heart

Times for grade levels are as follows:
9:15-10:05 - 2nd grade
10:05-11:30 - 5th grade
11:45-12:50 - 4th grade
12:50-1:40 - 1st grade
1:40 - 2:30 - K
2:30-3:20 - 3rd grade

Please contact Mrs. Steffenhagen if you are interested in volunteering! or 630-375-3714

Penguin Research

We used our technology to research facts about penguins. It was a lot of fun and we were really engaged in this activity. We will continue to use our technology more and more!

Pajama Day

Thank you for helping us reach our goal of at least 30% participation in the Illinois 5Essentials Survey. To thank our students for encouraging Mom and Dad to go online and share their feedback with us, THIS FRIDAY IS PAJAMA DAY!! Students may wear their favorite PJs to school this Friday. Thank you again for your feedback!!

Monday, February 11, 2013


I found some math apps and one spelling app that the students would be able to do in their free time. Most of them are free, but the spelling one is .99 cents. Please do not feel that you need to download/buy these. I just wanted to let all parents know and I will show the students too.

Math Apps
My math app
Splash math
Math buster 3
Math blaster

Spelling app
Spelling space this is the one that is 99 cents

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Artist of the Week

Once a week, Mrs. Gleason picks an artist out of the whole school, and  their work is displayed in the  front hallway. This past week, Caitie from our class was the artist chosen. AWESOME JOB CAITIE!!!

Open House

Open House was a HUGE success! Almost everyone was able to come and see all the hard work the students have been doing in second grade. Here are a few snapshots from the night.